All Launch experiences are designed around IEDA — We Are Curio’s innovation process for moving ideas to action.
Discover areas of challenge and opportunity through deep understanding and empathy.
Expand what is possible by taking opportunities and challenges through our ideation tools and experiences.
Begin the prototyping process to develop the best ideas into a more tangible form to be tested and refined.
Take what has been designed and implement it into your context. It’s time to launch and execute your idea!
Both our process and our mindsets are rooted in the discipline of design thinking — a framework that pulls from the designer’s toolkit to discover human-centered, innovative solutions.
We use empathy, research, listening, and dialogue to deeply understand who we are designing with.
Analytical and intuitive. Scientific and artistic. Logical and emotional. We bring our whole selves to every design.
We use prototyping, testing, and iteration to build a strategy to move your ideas to action.
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